*Workin on new draft of this page*
Richard Hislop is a passionate international evangelist and the founder of Harvest the Nations ministries. With a heart ablaze to preach and demonstrate the Gospel of The Kingdom of Jesus Christ to the nations of the earth. Richard has a calling by God as an evangelist to the nations, and also travels to some of the most remote, unreached, and often dangerous regions around the world. Just like Richard's hero in the faith Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, the Lord has given Richard the mandate of planning and conducting mass stadium gospel events in America and the nations. The Lord used Reinhard, speaking directly to Richard, confirmation of dreams and visions, and the confirmation of many other 5 fold leaders to confirm this clear calling and mandate on Richard's life. The next mass stadium gospel crusade the Lord has confirmed and clearly directed will be within America in Virginia. Stay tuned for more information soon! The Lord has spoken, just as he did to the great evangelist Reinhard Bonnke who also held stadium gospel events in America, that America shall be saved in Jesus name!
Over the past four years since Richard's crusades, evangelistic outreaches, and missions have impacted literally thousands of lives. These wonderful events are marked by salvations, healing and deliverence, and a mighty outpouring of The Holy Spirit of God! Through the power of the Gospel, Richard has witnessed remarkable transformations as thousands have heard and responded to the message of Jesus Christ and The Kingdom of God. Miracles and healings abound in Richard's ministry, confirming The Word with signs following, and resulting in the establishment of making more disciples in their wake. We usher new converts into their local area body of Christ so that they can be discipled in Christ. Thousands of people have now heard the gospel, been saved, healed in their physical bodies, delivered from demonic oppression, and filled with the power of The Holy Spirit to also be a witness for Jesus Christ.
Richard's heart burns to see souls saved, bodies healed, the people delivered, and believers empowered by the Holy Spirit to also be a witness of the Good News. His dedication to fulfilling the Great Commission and living a live of Harvest for Jesus is unwavering, and he is committed to seeing an even greater harvest of souls and spiritual awakening in every nation he touches. He carries a powerful anointing for also equipping the saints for the work of ministry based on what is also the role of an Evangelist per Ephesians 4:11-16.
In addition to his evangelistic missions endeavors, Richard is actively involved in various leadership roles one within their local Apostolic Equipping Hub and training center called The Resting Place in Locust Grove, Virginia. Richard is also a member of the Global Evangelist Alliance (GEA) as an international evangelist.
Richard's passion for the work of ministry the Lord has called Him to is matched only by his love for his wife, Lindsey Hislop, and their three wonderful children. Together, they have been serving the Lord faithfully for many years, residing in Spotsylvania Virginia just outside Historic Fredericksburg.

India gospel crusade event - 2023

Photo is of Richard with his life long hero Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in 2012 at their Church annual Conference "Awaken The Dawn & The Call 2012"! God used Reinhard in Richard's life in a mighty way to also call and commission Richard as an evangelist as well!

Mass gospel crusade event in Orange, Virginia - 2021
Richard Hislop is married to his beautiful wife Lindsey, and lives in Virginia along with their three children. Richard is an Evangelist with a strong gifting and calling from God for evangelism, and equipping of the saints for the work of ministry. His has the call of God on his life to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and unreached in America, and to the unreached people groups and nations of the earth. Richard is also the founder and president of Harvest the Nations, his evangelistic ministry. His life's passion and calling is to be used by God as an evangelist to see a great end times harvest for Jesus Christ, to see the fulfillment of “The Great Commission”, through the preaching of the full gospel, along with a demonstration of the Spirit and power. Richard is called as an evangelist to also equip the saints for the work of ministry and The Great Commission, in order for the body of Christ to mature into the fullness and stature of Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus is using Richard to bring spiritual renewal, restoration, and maturity to the body of Christ as He is making a pure and spotless bride ready for a great end time harvest of souls, and the second coming return of Jesus Christ.
Richard was born and raised in a Godly home with parents who always pointed him to Jesus and the Word of God the Bible. He received Jesus as his Lord and savior at a very young age and had the blessing of growing up in a family that loves the Lord Jesus dearly. When he was in his church youth group years, God radically touched Richards life and he knew that he had the calling from God to be an evangelist. Richard served on a missions trip through his church as well to Peru to go with the gospel of Jesus. In this process God had used evangelist Reinhard Bonnke through his videos on TV, as well as his books to deeply touch Richards heart and the calling as an evangelist on his life! Reinhard had become one of Richard's life long hero's in the faith, as Richard knew he carried the call of evangelism to preach the gospel of Jesus as well and was having so much success in a great harvest for Jesus! This so deeply touched Richard's heart, and he knew it was the work of the Holy Spirit on his life.
Richard furthered his education at Lee University, a christian university in Cleveland TN, and received his B.A. degree. After which Richard met and married his wife Lindsey, and they now today they have three wonderful children. Richard and Lindsey were involved with their local church ministry through the years to 2012 as Richard continued to also work in the market place with his job.
In May 2012 their local Church in Fredericksburg, VA helped host the event Awaken The Dawn & The Call 2012, where Richard finally got to meet his life long hero Reinhard Bonnke in person. Richard was so deeply impacted by God and the Holy Spirit as Reinhard preached in person to them and called them and this generation forth to be preachers of the gospel and to become evangelists for Jesus! Richard responded to this calling again on his life as Reinhard prayed over them, blessed them, and commissioned them all forth in a prayer as well of blessing and commissioning! Richard's heart and life were so deeply marked by this and his calling in Jesus as an evangelist, and this time with Reinhard Bonnke. Richard began to pursuing the Lord on how this calling would continue to play out and it's timing. The Holy Spirit spoke to Richard very powerfully at this event as He did to Reinhard that same year that "America Shall Be Saved", as well as the nations of the world, and that God would use Richard as well to do it!
-Man the answer is "Yes!"
-When I was talking to Reinhard;
When I was talking to Reinhard that evening after I had gotten that picture with him, He was signing my two books for me of his Living a Life of Fire, and Evangelism by Fire. I told Reinhard as I looked at him and he at me, that I was going to go and do the work, just like he said to us: "America shall be saved!" Reinhard looked at me with that smile and fiery excitement and agreement in his eyes, saying, "Amen! Bless you!" He nodded his head in agreement as he said this, just as you can imagine him doing. He blessed me as we talked and signed my Evangelism by Fire
and Living a Life of Fire
books. He told me it was nice to meet me. The time and two services with Reinhard at that conference marked me forever.
Thanks to my pastor, who was the leader of that conference and knew I had this call of an evangelist on my life, we had been praying for months that the Lord would impart the mantle of evangelism that Reinhard carried to us. And it's exactly what happened. When Reinhard arrived in his car with Andrew Colby, my pastor Scott took me to greet Reinhard and get that picture with him. We had just had the service where he called all who were called to be evangelists forward and commissioned us for the work, praying the mantle he also carried of Jesus upon us, charging us in the name of the Lord Jesus. It's a moment the Holy Spirit came upon me, and one I will never forget. That was 2012, and now, seeing this coming about in great measure is truly a work of the Lord. Now, seeing all the Lord has done with Reinhard and Daniel through and with you, and how the Holy Spirit connected us both so divinely, is truly a work of the Holy Spirit! Like Reinhard said, our books of Acts are being written in Him! I rejoice!
Lindsey told me you said, as you had in the past told me, that you would come and help me with the stadium ! My heart sings with great joy! I'm rejoicing this morning in Him, in His faithfulness, His voice, and His answer to us! Wow, Tyrelle, my dear sister in Jesus, look at all He has done and is doing! Wow! The visions the Lord gave us are being fulfilled!

Photo is of Richard with his life long hero Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke in 2012 at their Church annual Conference "Awaken The Dawn & The Call 2012"! God used Reinhard in Richard's life in a mighty way to also call and commission Richard as an evangelist as well!

Photo is of the 2012 event flyer poster with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke at the Conference "Awaken The Dawn & The Call 2012"!
God's timing had another role to play yet, as it seemed the door was not opening just yet for Richard to step into this calling as an evangelist full force. So as Richard worked in the market place he would go with the gospel on the streets, and as he worked and lived life for some years knowing in his heart the future time would some day come at some point for him to fully step into the call on his life as a preacher, and evangelist.
Pastors and elders and other evangelists who know Richard clearly recognized this calling and anointing from God on his life.
December 7th of 2019 God's next steps timing for Richard came about when yet another event happened that would unbeknown to Richard would change his life forever. Richard just so happened have traveled for work to Orlando Florida for a work event with his Job on December 7th 2019. That morning Richard received the text from his wife that is life long hero Reinhard Bonnke had passed away and went to be with Jesus in his eternal reward. This was news of course Richard was not expecting to hear and hit him really hard and powerfully! The Holy Spirit stirred Richards heart and encountered him very powerfully that changed his life forever. The Lord and Holy Spirit spoke to Richard that NOW is the time, that NOW he is to GO and preach the gospel! God spoke to Richard that now is the time for a great and urgent end time harvest for Jesus!
Richard is now responding to God's calling on his life to go with the Gospel. God has been used other local pastors and leaders of God who have recognized the calling of God on his life as well as other generals of the Faith and Prophets of God who have confirmed the Lord's assignment and mandate. 2020 Richard also went through and enrolled in "Reinhard Bonnke's School of Fire" for additional evangelism training and preparation for mass crusade evangelism as he is going and being sent out for the gospel. God has opened a door for Richard to launch into his first Gospel Crusade as well, actually in the United States coming in April 2021 in Orange, Virginia! Richard has now founded and is launching his evangelistic ministry "Harvest the Nations" in 2020, in obedience to the call of God on is life as an evangelist.
Richard is called to take the gospel to America God has told him as well as some of the most remote and unreached places in the world. This is accomplished through large scale gospel crusades in America and the nations. Richard also is called to bring spiritual renewal to the church. His heart burns with the fire of revival, and his hearts desire is to reach those that have never heard the name of Jesus before as well.
Richard and his new ministry Harvest the Nations are in need of Monthly Financial Partners who will stand and run with Richard for this calling and great end time harvest for Jesus Christ, to see multitudes reached with the salvation message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We ask that you would consider prayerfully to become a partner with Evangelist Richard Hislop for us TOGETHER be able to reach the lost for Jesus.
Ordination Service as an Evangelist on my birthday of August 1st, 2021! As I had been conducting gospel crusades and campaigns throughout the whole summer in Orange, VA at The Orange Field of Dreams.
From a young age Richard knew he had the calling of an Evangelist, even other pastors and leaders recognized this calling from a young age, and youth on Richard's life.
-Visions since I was young stadiums full me preaching to stadiums full of thousands of people being saved, and the outpouring and mighty move of the Spirit and Fire happening.
-Growing up Reinhard crusades on TV burning heart for evangelism
-Crusade Iqitos Pure Evangelist Steve Fatow my pastor, Youth Pastor Ross Jones, with my Dad and church mission
-College, Married, Kids, Intership
-You are a preacher of the Gospel! "You are called to be a preacher of the Gospel!" -Evangelist Sharon Glasgow after preaching the server at our Church at the time in Fredericksburg Virginia.
-Reinhard Passing - The Call & Time is Now, Holy Spirit Fire changed forever!
-Dream of God Reinhard Heaven
-Crusades Orange, VA (We were waiting for the Lord to send us His evangelist.")
-The Lords voice Go, what you go to Canada to Recieve you will bring back to America!
-Evangelist Tyrelle and How the Lord Used Her - "Let's Get your Stadium Ready Bro!"
-Bill Prankard - Word & A Father's Blessing
Aug 2nd -The Voice of the Lord to do and plan the stadium "Richard, I want you to plan the..."
Aug 4th -Talk with Tyrelle about her stadium and The God Ask! I didn't tell her that the Holy Spirit just told me the stadium to plan yet when we talked...
Aug 13th, 2023 -Confirmation of the Prophet, Brian Hume as I asked the Lord for it waiting.
-Dream from the Lord while in India April 2024 "Why are you not doing the stadium with me?"
Snapshot of Evangelist Richard Hislop's ministry Training & Experience:
-2000s Served as leader in Youth group under youth pastor's leadership (Grew up serving in our local church).
-2000s Served my lead pastor/evangelist Steve Fatow, and youth pastor Ross Jones on a missions trip & Mass Gospel Crusade in Iquitos Peru. Thousands were saved and made first time decisions to follow Jesus as their Lord and savior, many healed & delivered by the power of The Holy Spirit.
-2007 Lee University Bachelor's Degree Christian Psychology & Religion -2007 to 2009 Graduate school in Christian Counseling
-2012 Three-Month long Full Time Ministry "Immersed Internship" for married couples (My wife and myself completed together).
-Served for the 2012 Awaken the Dawn / The Call large conference event where my life long hero "Reinhard Bonnke" came and preached. I got to meet and talk with him there as he prayed for us and commissioned us forth to be preachers of the gospel.
-2020 to 2024 - Ministry, preaching, and evangelism training and mentorship
-2020 to 2022 Reinhard Bonnke's Online School of Fire
-2022 - Coached/mentored by Evangelist Dr. Daniel King on Evangelism, Ministry, Growing our ministry, and Mass Crusade Evangelism. Enrolled in the Online School of Evangelism as well.
-Member of GEA Global Evangelist Alliance since 2022
-2023 to Present Training and Equipping other 5 fold evangelists while working with other evangelists and 5 fold leaders.
-2023 & 2024 Mission Trips and Gospel crusade in unreached regions of India with a team of other 5 Fold Leaders. Thousands heard the gospel, hundreds saved, healed delivered, and filled with the Holy Spirit. 5 Day pastors and leaders conferences conducted equipping the main leaders of leaders that represent hundreds of churches in the region for the work of ministry and The Great Commission in India.
-2024 to Present Preparing now for the next Stadium Gospel even the Lord has spoken and directed for Evangelist Richard Hislop to organize, collaborate, plan, and conduct.