About Harvest the Nations ministry

The Harvest the Nations is an evangelistic ministry that was founded by Evangelist Richard Hislop, and exists to answer the calling and assignment of God on Richard's life as an evangelist to bring the message of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and unreached in the nations of the world.

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Vision One Million

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Richard Hislop with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

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Our primary mission and vision is The Great Commission. We passionately proclaim the Gospel of The Kingdom of Jesus Christ, seeing countless lives transformed and the lost saved in His name! Our efforts are realized through large-scale gospel crusades/festivals, dynamic evangelistic outreaches, and mission trips in some of the most unreached regions and nations globally, right now mainly in the middle east, Europe, as well as America.

In our gospel crusades, thousands gather to hear the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, experiencing the power of salvation and healing. Following these events, we are committed to the vital work of nurturing and discipling new believers. Through our network of local mature leaders, we provide ongoing shepherding and discipleship, ensuring that each new follower of Christ is firmly established in their faith and equipped for a lifetime of spiritual growth and service.

Join us in fulfilling the Great Commission, as we witness lives transformed and nations impacted by the power of the Gospel!


We embark on gospel mission trips to bring the message of hope to the unreached and often perilous regions of the world. Our mission extends beyond preaching the gospel; we actively work towards fulfilling the Great Commission in these untouched areas. Additionally, we invest in equipping local leaders and saints for ministry, empowering them to carry out the work of spreading the gospel effectively. 

Recently, we conducted a five-day intensive pastors and leaders equipping conference in one of the most unreached regions of India. Led by Richard and three other anointed leaders, this conference equipped attendees for ministry, evangelism, prayer, personal relationship walk with God, and fulfilling the Great Commission within their nation.

Our overarching goal with this is to make disciples, and raise up active laborers for the Great Commission from all corners of the globe.


We are committed to fulfilling God’s mandate for the fivefold ministry, which includes equipping and empowering believers for ministry and Great Commission work (Ephesians 4:11-16). Our aim is to help believers mature into the fullness of Christ, as outlined in Ephesians.

Richard carries a powerful anointing to impart the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire, including the gift of speaking in tongues, faith, healing, and deliverence from demonic oppressions, empowering all believers to be effective witnesses for Jesus (Matthew 3:11, Acts 1:8, Luke 24:49, Acts 19:1-6). Through this ministry, people of all ages experience mighty outpourings of the Holy Spirit, empowering them for their walks with God and effective evangelism, resulting in real and lasting fruit.

Contact us today to book Evangelist Richard Hislop for speaking engagements and ministry opportunities!
