
'Give Jesus ALL the Rooms of Your Heart'

Evangelist Richard Hislop

Listen here to Day 2 Message from the first ever Orange Field of Dreams Great Revival Gospel Crusade! Powerful day, many were touched, and physically healed and delivered by Jesus!

'Say Yes to Jesus'

Evangelist Richard Hislop

Listen here to Day 1 Message from the first ever Orange Field of Dreams Great Revival Gospel Crusade! Powerful day, many were touched, and physically healed by Jesus! Richard preaches a powerful gospel message, that was one he learned from his hero in the faith, one of greatest and most effective evangelists and preachers who has ever lived, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. People were saved and physically healed and delivered by Jesus!

'Only One Thing is Needed - Jesus in The Secret Place'

Evangelist Richard Hislop

Evangelist Richard brings a word for the body of Christ in this time at their "Jesus Night" service in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Harvest the Nations / Evangelist Richard Hislop has now lunched their twice per month Friday night "Jesus Nights" to bless and reach the local region with the gospel and power of Jesus Christ! That His presence, glory, and gospel have center stage in the region! You will be blessed by this message.

'Give Jesus Everything'

Evangelist Richard Hislop

Evangelist Richard brings a word for the church in this time at the first "Jesus Night" in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Harvest the Nations / Evangelist Richard Hislop has now lunched their twice per month Friday night "Jesus Nights" to bless and reach the local region with the gospel and power of Jesus Christ! That His presence, glory, and gospel have center stage in the region!

'God is Restoring the Church Back to The Book of Acts to Walk in Power and Anointing'

Evangelist Richard Hislop

Evangelist Richard brings a word form the Lord for the body of Christ in this message for the Equipping of the Saints like Ephesians 4:11-12. The power of God falls on the people, feels the people, demons and evil spirits were cast out!

'Follow Me'

Evangelist Richard Hislop

Evangelist Richard brings a word form the Lord for the body of Christ while ministering and preaching at "The Glasgow Farm Chruch" in Fredericksburg, Virginia. A message for the Equipping of the Saints like Ephesians 4:11-12. The Holy Spirit came upon the people as they gave and surrendered everything to follow Jesus! People are saved, healed, and a girl named "Faith" was water baptized after the service as Jesus called her! A powerful day in the Kingdom of God as the Kingdom of Heaven came near to the people.

Harvest the Nations for Jesus - The Evangelism Podcast Interview // with Evangelist and Dr. Daniel King

It was an absolute honor for me to be invited as a guest on the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King. Listen here to the episode of The Evangelism Podcast with evangelist and Dr. Daniel King.

Honoring My Life Long Hero Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke on the one year anniversary of his passing to be with Jesus! Sharing my testimony publicly for the first time, with a huge announcement!

Jesus is The Standard! Walking in The Likeness of Jesus Christ.


One of my favorite interviews of Reinhard Bonnke where he shares with Roy Fields how the Lord spoke to him that America Shall Be Saved, and a great move of God is needed, just like the ones he has seen for decades in Africa!

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Passes the Baton to A Whole New Generation of Soul Winners and Evangelists!

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke Passes the Baton as the Mantle is passed from Generation to Generation of Soul Winners! Listen to this wonderful message on this from Reinhard and how God uses Ordinary people to fulfill his purposes! 

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